Start where you are...




The Blissful Warrior

Self Aclknowedgement Questionnaire





What if you decided to begin right now…

Welcome! I’m Rhonda Uretzky, Author, Yoga Teacher and Coach.

I’m glad you’re here.

Below are some musings about you: what you want, what you REALLY want, what you hope for and worry is impossible.

This is not a test. 

There are no wrong answers.

This is a chance to regroup.

Take about 10 minutes.  The timing is all up to you.

My advice: write whatever comes up for you.

Answer with your first thought and expand on it as much as you'd like.

Don’t try to be even the littlest bit realistic.  

Allow yourself to Talk Big about what you want.

You know those things you want but have no idea how you’ll get – those things!

The things that seem impossible– you want to be interviewed by Oprah tomorrow! – those things. 

It’s just between you and me.

When I receive your answers, I’ll read them and you'll get a  link to schedule a yoga phone-consult with me as you begin your journey…

What comes next?

Whatever you’re ready for. 

Self care. Self love. Self-empowerment.

The Blissful Warrior is your practice.

Relax; this is not hard work, it’s something a lot more productive:


That’s why I’m looking forward to it… and I hope you are too.



Return to The Blissful Warrior Yoga Questionnaire throughout your journey.

Notice your new answers, your changed feelings, your total renewal.

Enjoy the expansion!

Submit to schedule a 15 minute yoga phone consult with me