“It takes deliberate practice to pivot towards a happy life.”
The Blissful Warrior
We all want to fix problems fast.
We want to figure things out, find quick solutions, put broken things back together.
Uncertainty feels dangerous.
But what if your whole world feels uncertain?
How do you manage when things seem beyond your control?
Start with a deep breath.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed physically, mentally, or emotionally, you are not alone:
• Employees are longing for more meaningful work
• Teachers, nurses, caregivers are quitting in record numbers
• People are medicating just to keep pace
How do you get unstuck?
How do you find balance when life turns upside down?
Here's what I discovered:
You have to practice developing inner balance before you can count on it to support you during challenging outside conditions.

The Blissful Warrior:
Wellness fromWithin
Rhonda Uretzky
Author, Yoga Teacher, Coach

How do you find your way out of despair?
Step by step, gently guiding yourself in the direction of relief.”
The Blissful Warrior
It's more than just the ability to bounce back.
It's the ability to navigate unpredictability.
And radical resilience?
That is a superpower: to feel empowered through every unexpected twist.
In my experience, radical resilience begins by questioning beliefs that make you feel unworthy.
Releasing the opinions of others and listening for guidance from within yourself.
Having the willingness to ignore the "shoulds" and explore your "wants."
Take three deep breaths and ask yourself:
- “What if I cared more about feeling good than being right?”
- “What if I acknowledged my heart's desire?
- "What if I honored my self first?"
"There is no point looking back to where you went off track.
Start from where you are now."
The Blissful Warrior
Welcome To The Blissful Warrior

This is your practice:
To develop habits of self soothing.
To cultivate unshakeable well-being.
To know you can trust yourself.
To acknowledge that you matter.
Self care.
Self awareness.
Deliberate focus.
What does it like feel?
• It feels like freedom
• Restoring your passion
• Refueling your energy
• Re-imagining your dreams
• Respecting your needs
As you practice, you regain clarity
The Blissful Warrior is about resilience, re-connection and bliss of body and mind with yoga, meditation and mindfulness.
You get to do this Course your way:
Participate at your pace, in all the ways that support your needs.
Practice with a partner, with my personal coaching, or on your own.
There is no wrong way.
You are here, practicing what you need.
What is The Blissful Warrior Not?
Not Competition: not comparing yourself to anyone not even a "better" version of you.
Not Pressure: you have all the time you need to access any module, anytime you want to uplift yourself in any situation.
Not FOMO: you'll never miss out; the entire Blissful Warrior course is open and at your fingertips 24/7.
The Blissful Warrior isn't just about managing when life becomes too challenging; it's about practicing right now.
Come as you are.
Are you ready to become a Warrior for your bliss?